1. Identify the shore power technology that best suits your operations
You need the technologies that best suit your specific operations. Cavotec has the technologies and the know-how to adapt solutions to your specific situation. We make it possible to modernise existing port infrastructure with minimum disruption to day-to-day operations.
2. Optimise electrical architecture
It is important to understand vessels’ power needs and ports’ electrical supply. All Cavotec ShorePower solutions are optimised for specific ports and meet international electrical shore connection standards for maximum safety and ship compatibility.
3. Blend into the surroundings
Aesthetics of shore power equipment is a key consideration, especially in ferry and cruise terminals. In addition to our engineering expertise, we focus on the design and look of our shore power solutions to ensure that they are aesthetically pleasing.
4. Adopt a holistic approach for fit-for-the-future infrastructure
Shore power is of course just one of many ways in which ports can reduce environmental impact. A comprehensive sustainability roadmap is a good way of looking at how different technologies can be used, often together, for example fully automated charging and mooring for e-vessels.
Our MoorMaster NxG automated mooring system, for example, enables even the biggest ships to moor automatically in just a few minutes, ensuring faster and cleaner connection to our ShorePower systems.
5. Find the right partner, at the beginning of your shore power journey
Find a company that will be a reliable partner throughout the duration of your shore power project – from design to installation and even operation.
The right partner needs to have a deep understanding of shore power applications and knowledge of standards, and the challenges of complex infrastructure projects. Find a company with the right references and the best practice.
Cavotec has more than 40 years’ experience of successfully designing and installing shore power connection systems at hundreds of ports around the world.
[1] Yale Climate Connections, August 2021.