A visual 3D View is easier to interpret rather than a data-filled spreadsheet. More people will visualise this information quicker, and this improves collaboration because a greater number people will be able to view and access the information
All In One Solution
One platform, one business process supporting all cargo types. It is an efficient, powerful, and productive terminal operating system that meets all current and prospective needs managing multi-purpose terminals.
Cloud Infrastructure
GullsEye Terminal Operating System (TOS) is built on the strongest, most scalable, and secure Cloud Infrastructure available. It has the ability to scale the ambitions of your Terminal. The TOS will lower operational costs, increase flexibility, encourage more collaboration, and is supported on smart-phones and tablets.
GullsEye has spent the last 10 years listening to the challenges of Terminal Operators and Port Authorities. Our TOS’s development has been based on addressing the challenges laid out above. We have only been marketing TOS for the last few years but have already implemented it at 24 Terminals and we’re expanding rapidly.
GullsEye Development and Global Support Centre is based in Istanbul with 150 developers focused on TOS activities. We have global offices in Germany, China and the US.
Our primary goal is to make your terminal more profitable by supporting you to do more with less and provide you with the ability to be more successful within your operation.